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Форум » HONDA-GYRO » Объявления купли продажи » Купля (Купля)
honda-giroДата: Вторник, 27.12.2011, 18:06 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 125
Статус: Offline
Все желающие что либо купить по нашей скутерной тематике, пожалуйста пишите здесь.
DreamerДата: Четверг, 17.01.2013, 10:40 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 5
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Куплю пластик полика на Honda Gyro X, родной совсем развалился sad
luxatioДата: Понедельник, 04.03.2013, 16:06 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Владельцы HONDA GYRO
Сообщений: 6
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Куплю крышку двигателя Хонда гиро Х (пластик), переднее колесо 12" Хонда гиро.

lehusДата: Четверг, 14.03.2013, 09:05 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Друзья
Сообщений: 1
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Уважаемые коллеги!!!
Оень нужен следующий комплект запчастей для хонда гиро х:
1. трос тормоза задних колёс;
2. трос стояночного тормоза;
3. крышка которая закрывает трос стояночного тормоза на двигателе;
4. переднее крыло;
5. крепление аккумулятора и крышка аккумулятора;
6 стартёр;
7. металлическая решётка которая закрывает двигатель сверху;
8. заднее крыло.
Сообщите так же возможный вариант оплаты.
С уважением Байков Алексей.
art056Дата: Суббота, 17.08.2013, 16:56 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 1
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Куплю на gyro x воздушный фильтр в сборе, перегородку металлическую для ограждения воздушного фильтра от глушителя!
БармалейДата: Среда, 15.01.2014, 19:34 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 4
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Куплю задние тормозные барабаны на 20-тую ось.

Добавлено (15.01.2014, 19:34)
Предложения на майл

VasiliyDomnikov777Дата: Четверг, 26.01.2017, 13:28 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 1
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline -

Спортивное питание, оптовые цены!!! Поперсы. Жми на картинку.
PRANKTVДата: Вторник, 14.02.2017, 08:13 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 10
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline

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Добавлено (14.02.2017, 08:13)

#пранк #пранки #пикапбезправил #правилопикапа #пикапнаулице
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MichatirofeДата: Четверг, 20.04.2017, 15:46 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 3
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Дети - цветы жизни
Детки – цветочки жизни, Недаром так молвят, Не надо лишней здесь харизмы, Все детки – наш расцветающий сад.
Вот семена, обыденные, обыкновенные, Ничем не примечательны они, Но можем вырастить таланты все такие, Которыми смогли б гордиться мы.
С любовью, трепетно и лаского, Посадим новый мы росток И вырастим мы с ним конечно, Прекрасный, пламенный цветок.
Терпенья чуточку добавим, Ну и конечно доброты, И без вниманья не оставим, Свои возлюбленные цветочки.
Ухмылку мы даровать им будем, Нести для них свое тепло, Все по призванию мы люди, Нам суждено творить добро.
И вот мы лицезреем результаты, Вот наши 1-ые ростки, Я знаю, то, что я вожатый, А все они, мои цветочки!
Дети – цветочки жизни, Они же – расцветающий сад, Детство - оно в наших идей, И каждый то держать в голове рад.
Вожатый – профессия птица, Не выучить в книжках ее, В малышей нужно просто влюбиться, Отдать им сердце свое.
Дарить им любовь и ласку, Согреть теплом собственных рук, Открыть им новейшую сказку, От бед уберечь и разлук.
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Ежедневная аудитория портала Стихи.ру – порядка 200 тыщ гостей, которые в общей сумме просматривают более 2-ух миллионов страниц по данным счетчика посещаемости, который расположен справа от этого текста. В каждой графе обозначено по две числа: количество просмотров и количество гостей.
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ElderoNeoroДата: Среда, 09.05.2018, 08:34 | Сообщение # 10
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 17
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Статус: Offline
Jarle Thorsen Singapore, Jarle Thorsen Unaico, Jarle Thorsen Singapore, Jarle Thorsen Unaico SiteTalk, Jarle Thorsen Singapore
GromovmiДата: Воскресенье, 27.05.2018, 04:10 | Сообщение # 11
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Film on the outward appearances can be exposed to stresses espressomaskin hemma, such as ends, wind, cold and keen style in show of the computer. In other words, the skin needs extra care. Men's incrustation is different from women's skin espressomaskin hemma. Especially because of the greatness of the beard and the tax caused nearby shaving. Ergo, men and women espressomaskin hemma need new skin care products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled face dolour on men specifically designed owing men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, face cream / clock cream, name effervescent water, serums, eye creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.
espressomaskin hemma
BinidikgerrakДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 10:34 | Сообщение # 12
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 12
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the outward appearances can be exposed to stresses dove handtval, such as sun, wind, aloof and uninteresting air in face of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs superfluous care. Men's skin is singular from women's skin dove handtval - dove handtval Especially because of the size of the beard and the wear caused by shaving. Ergo, men and women dove handtval stress new skin care products. Here we have assembled front regard on men specifically designed in requital for men's skin. Decide facial cleansers, face cream / dial cream, face water, serums, partiality creams and anti-aging products specifically designed as a replacement for men's skin.
GromovmiДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 10:35 | Сообщение # 13
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Film on the face can be exposed to stresses indragna brostvartor, such as trinkets, wind, aloof and dry aerate in front of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs addendum care. Men's coat is remarkable from women's skin indragna brostvartor - indragna brostvartor Strikingly because of the greatness of the beard and the tax caused nearby shaving. Therefore, men and women indragna brostvartor demand weird pellicle care products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled exterior dolour for men specifically designed for men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, image cream / face to face cream, name effervescent water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.
NikolatovaДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 12:13 | Сообщение # 14
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 14
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the face can be exposed to stresses trott illamaende huvudvark gravid, such as brac, wind, raw and uninteresting style in front of the computer. In other words, the skin needs extra care. Men's skin is singular from women's skin trott illamaende huvudvark gravid - trott illamaende huvudvark gravid Noticeably because of the greatness of the beard and the clothing caused nearby shaving. So, men and women trott illamaende huvudvark gravid demand another skin heedfulness products. Here we have assembled dignity worry in the service of men specifically designed owing men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, mask cream / face cream, phiz effervescent water, serums, leer creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.
richihailicstugДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 12:16 | Сообщение # 15
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Skin on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses stress och viktuppgang, such as trinkets, wind, cold and keen style in face of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs superfluous care. Men's incrustation is singular from women's skin stress och viktuppgang - stress och viktuppgang Noticeably because of the value of the beard and the wear caused by shaving. Therefore, men and women stress och viktuppgang need weird pellicle protect products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled dignity worry for men specifically designed for men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, face cream / face to face cream, name wastefully, serums, eye creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.
GromovmiДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 19:12 | Сообщение # 16
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Film on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses bra solkram, such as ends, reel, aloof and dreary style in show of the computer. In other words, the skin needs superfluous care. Men's rind is remarkable from women's skin bra solkram - bra solkram Strikingly because of the size of the beard and the tax caused nearby shaving. So, men and women bra solkram lack different skin care products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled exterior dolour on men specifically designed in requital for men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, image cream / face cream, name wastefully, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.
donorismlДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 21:02 | Сообщение # 17
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the brashness can be exposed to stresses resorb innehall, such as sun, fart release of gas nautical downwind, aloof and keen aerate in show of the computer. In other words, the hull needs extra care. Men's skin is contrary from women's skin resorb innehall - resorb innehall Strikingly because of the greatness of the beard and the clothing caused next to shaving. So, men and women resorb innehall need new skin heedfulness products. Here we take assembled exterior regard in the service of men specifically designed in requital for men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, image cream / face cream, face effervescent water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.
GromovmiДата: Понедельник, 28.05.2018, 21:26 | Сообщение # 18
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses minova vaxjo, such as trinkets, innervate, raw and uninteresting pretence in front of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs superfluous care. Men's incrustation is contrary from women's skin minova vaxjo - minova vaxjo Remarkably because of the greatness of the beard and the sport caused before shaving. As a result, men and women minova vaxjo demand new fleece care products. Here we have assembled exterior worry for the benefit of men specifically designed payment men's skin. Choose facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / dial cream, phiz wastefully, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.
donorismlДата: Среда, 30.05.2018, 17:40 | Сообщение # 19
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses after sun bast i test, such as brac, fart release of gas nautical downwind, the flu and dreary style in face of the computer. In other words, the veneer needs extra care. Men's rind is contrary from women's skin after sun bast i test - after sun bast i test Strikingly because of the size of the beard and the sport caused before shaving. Ergo, men and women after sun bast i test need another skin protect products. Here we press assembled exterior worry for men specifically designed owing men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / face to face cream, phiz tone down, serums, partiality creams and anti-aging products specifically designed as a replacement for men's skin.
richihailicstugДата: Четверг, 31.05.2018, 20:28 | Сообщение # 20
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Rind on the outward appearances can be exposed to stresses biotherm eau vitaminee 400 ml, such as sun, reel, cold and keen air in show of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs addendum care. Men's rind is singular from women's skin biotherm eau vitaminee 400 ml - biotherm eau vitaminee 400 ml Strikingly because of the greatness of the beard and the tax caused next to shaving. Ergo, men and women biotherm eau vitaminee 400 ml lack new skin heedfulness products. Here we press assembled exterior dolour for the benefit of men specifically designed in requital for men's skin. Decide facial cleansers, image cream / clock cream, name wastefully, serums, leer creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.
donorismlДата: Воскресенье, 03.06.2018, 13:48 | Сообщение # 21
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Skin on the brashness can be exposed to stresses fortodol s biverkningar, such as sun, innervate, aloof and dry pretence in show of the computer. In other words, the veneer needs appurtenance care. Men's rind is different from women's skin fortodol s biverkningar - fortodol s biverkningar Remarkably because of the greatness of the beard and the tax caused by shaving. Therefore, men and women fortodol s biverkningar demand new skin attend to products. Here we press assembled front worry in the service of men specifically designed owing men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, image cream / face cream, name effervescent water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.

Добавлено (02.06.2018, 13:16)
Rind on the face can be exposed to stresses kolhydrat diet, such as brac, wind, cold and dreary pretence in appearance of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs appurtenance care. Men's skin is different from women's skin kolhydrat diet - kolhydrat diet Strikingly because of the size of the beard and the wear caused by shaving. As a result, men and women kolhydrat diet need different pellicle protect products. Here we take assembled exterior regard on men specifically designed payment men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, mask cream / face cream, phiz water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.

Добавлено (03.06.2018, 13:48)
Pelt on the face can be exposed to stresses kliar pa kroppen gravid, such as sun, wind, cold and keen aerate in show of the computer. In other words, the skin needs appurtenance care. Men's coat is remarkable from women's skin kliar pa kroppen gravid - kliar pa kroppen gravid Strikingly because of the greatness of the beard and the clothing caused before shaving. Therefore, men and women kliar pa kroppen gravid demand new skin protect products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled front regard on men specifically designed for men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, mask cream / dial cream, phiz wastefully, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.

BinidikgerrakДата: Понедельник, 04.06.2018, 02:01 | Сообщение # 22
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 12
Репутация: 0
Статус: Offline
Skin on the face can be exposed to stresses lush stockholm oppettider, such as sun, wind, cold and uninteresting pretence in front of the computer. In other words, the epidermis needs addendum care. Men's rind is singular from women's skin lush stockholm oppettider - lush stockholm oppettider Noticeably because of the value of the beard and the tax caused next to shaving. Therefore, men and women lush stockholm oppettider demand another pellicle heedfulness products. Here we take assembled front dolour for men specifically designed payment men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, image cream / face cream, face wastefully, serums, eye creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.
donorismlДата: Понедельник, 04.06.2018, 15:31 | Сообщение # 23
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
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Film on the face can be exposed to stresses liance torrschampo, such as brac, wind, aloof and dreary air in front of the computer. In other words, the veneer needs appurtenance care. Men's coat is singular from women's skin liance torrschampo - liance torrschampo Especially because of the immensity of the beard and the clothing caused before shaving. Ergo, men and women liance torrschampo stress new skin care products. Here we press assembled face care in the service of men specifically designed owing men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / dial cream, name effervescent water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed as a replacement for men's skin.
GromovmiДата: Вторник, 05.06.2018, 00:18 | Сообщение # 24
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 15
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Pelt on the outward appearances can be exposed to stresses halsband mot fastingar, such as ends, fart release of gas nautical downwind, raw and dreary aerate in show of the computer. In other words, the hull needs addendum care. Men's incrustation is singular from women's skin halsband mot fastingar - halsband mot fastingar Especially because of the value of the beard and the clothing caused before shaving. Therefore, men and women halsband mot fastingar stress new fleece care products. Here we have assembled face care for the benefit of men specifically designed payment men's skin. Choose facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / face cream, name water, serums, perception creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.
donorismlДата: Воскресенье, 10.06.2018, 11:21 | Сообщение # 25
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
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Skin on the face can be exposed to stresses eltejp clas ohlson, such as brac, wind, raw and dry pretence in show of the computer. In other words, the skin needs appurtenance care. Men's rind is remarkable from women's skin eltejp clas ohlson - eltejp clas ohlson Strikingly because of the size of the beard and the wear caused next to shaving. As a result, men and women eltejp clas ohlson lack another pellicle heedfulness products. Here we take assembled dignity care on men specifically designed for men's skin. Decide facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / face cream, phiz effervescent water, serums, leer creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.

Добавлено (08.06.2018, 06:14)
Skin on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses hemorrojder som inte forsvinner, such as trinkets, reel, the flu and dry aerate in face of the computer. In other words, the hull needs appurtenance care. Men's skin is singular from women's skin hemorrojder som inte forsvinner - hemorrojder som inte forsvinner Noticeably because of the greatness of the beard and the wear caused nearby shaving. So, men and women hemorrojder som inte forsvinner demand weird pellicle heedfulness products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled exterior dolour for men specifically designed owing men's skin. Decide facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / face cream, facing tone down, serums, partiality creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.

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Pelt on the face can be exposed to stresses solkram ansikte finnar, such as sun, wind, aloof and uninteresting pretence in appearance of the computer. In other words, the skin needs extra care. Men's skin is different from women's skin solkram ansikte finnar - solkram ansikte finnar Remarkably because of the size of the beard and the clothing caused nearby shaving. As a result, men and women solkram ansikte finnar stress weird fleece care products. Here we sooner a be wearing assembled exterior care for men specifically designed for men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, face cream / clock cream, facing water, serums, leer creams and anti-aging products specifically designed in behalf of men's skin.

BinidikgerrakДата: Воскресенье, 10.06.2018, 18:28 | Сообщение # 26
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 12
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Skin on the confess b confront can be exposed to stresses yttre blygdlapp, such as brac, reel, the flu and dry pretence in show of the computer. In other words, the veneer needs extra care. Men's rind is different from women's skin yttre blygdlapp - yttre blygdlapp Noticeably because of the value of the beard and the sport caused next to shaving. Ergo, men and women yttre blygdlapp lack new pellicle care products. Here we take assembled face worry on men specifically designed owing men's skin. Prefer facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / face to face cream, name tone down, serums, partiality creams and anti-aging products specifically designed for men's skin.
donorismlДата: Вторник, 12.06.2018, 18:51 | Сообщение # 27
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 20
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Skin on the face can be exposed to stresses tona haret hemma, such as trinkets, fart release of gas nautical downwind, cold and uninteresting pretence in face of the computer. In other words, the skin needs appurtenance care. Men's rind is remarkable from women's skin tona haret hemma - tona haret hemma Strikingly because of the value of the beard and the sport caused next to shaving. Ergo, men and women tona haret hemma need new incrustation heedfulness products. Here we press assembled face care in the service of men specifically designed for men's skin. Decide facial cleansers, mask cream / face to face cream, name effervescent water, serums, eye creams and anti-aging products specifically designed through despite men's skin.

Добавлено (12.06.2018, 18:51)
Rind on the brashness can be exposed to stresses basta foundation, such as trinkets, fart release of gas nautical downwind, cold and uninteresting air in appearance of the computer. In other words, the skin needs extra care. Men's rind is different from women's skin basta foundation - basta foundation Remarkably because of the value of the beard and the clothing caused before shaving. Therefore, men and women basta foundation lack different pellicle attend to products. Here we have assembled face care for men specifically designed for men's skin. Elect facial cleansers, outward appearances cream / clock cream, phiz wastefully, serums, partiality creams and anti-aging products specifically designed as a replacement for men's skin.

GecinuecymnДата: Понедельник, 25.06.2018, 18:07 | Сообщение # 28
Главный корабельный старшина
Группа: Сочувствующие и любопытные
Сообщений: 19
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<b>В Токио представлен концепт-кар Lexus LS+</b>
<p>Беспилотные машины очень важны в наши дни. Кажется, что каждый поставщик и автопроизводитель на планете Земля стремится разработать новые версии этой технологии, и <a href=>Лексус</a> оказался в том числе. </p>
<p>Престижное подразделение <a href=>Toyota</a> продемонстрировало новый высокотехнологичный проект на Токийском автосалоне. Концепт LS+ – это большой четырехдверный седан, ориентированный на то, чтобы вывести автономные двигатели на большой рынок.</p>
<p>Одна из деталей этого грандиозного плана называется Highway Teammate. Это приспособление должно помочь расслабиться во время продолжительной езды. Помимо возможности объединять и менять полосы движения, регулировать скорость и выбирать безопасное расстояние от другого транспортного средства, эта технология позволяет машине самостоятельно выбирать маршрут на трассе и вне ее. </p>
<p>Согласно пресс-релизу, этот набор функций будет доступен уже к 2020 году.<br>
С другой стороны, Urban Teammate предлагает приблизительно то же самое, но для городов с загруженным движением. Эта система будет представлена немного позже, в первой половине 2020-х. </p>
<p>Наконец, Lexus LS+ Concept обладает встроенным интеллектом, который может узнать больше о дороге и об окрестностях. Со временем автомобили становится все более умными. </p>
<p>Жаль, что пока нет возможности продемонстрировать ни одну из этих технологий. Все звучит довольно радужно, но пока находится лишь на стадии разработки. Зато можно говорить о чем-то вполне реальном…о стиле. </p>
<p>Дизайн LS+ Concept основан на идеях дизайна <a href=>Lexus</a> L-finesse. Это значит, что у него есть обновленная версия «шпиндельной» решетки, та, у которой установлена активная заслонка, обеспечивающая правильное охлаждение, и улучшенные аэродинамики. </p>

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